Sunday, June 12, 2005

Best for the Last

When all the damaged has been totally repaired we will wind up this blog. A violent storm in a neighborhood like this is impressive and inconvenient. But that is all. We are the fortunate ones, with insurance and a wide network of neighbors, friends, and family. And friends and neighbors that are like family.

Keep in mind that everything here is just what occurred within a stone's throw (literally) from the intersection of West First Street and Guinnip Avenue. The border between the City of Elmira and the Town of Elmira. There was also extensive damage elsewhere. The storm affected two entire counties, bringing down trees and powerlines and flooding street and property wherever it hit.

Scrolling down will work from back to front. The cleanup to the damage. Don't suppose I'll ever take the time to properly order it all. It's just a record, for myself and my neighbors.

Little Pond


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